TBK Help Desk



Combat the Password Crisis

Most hacking-related breaches are linked to weak, reused or stolen passwords as user credentials remain a top vulnerability for businesses. Balance convenience and security by monitoring the dark web for exposed credentials, implementing multifactor authentication and streamlining control of password management. 

Find out how you can overcome the password crisis in your business.

Safeguarding the Most Valuable Business Asset

Data Management

In the era of digital transformation where every interaction generates valuable information, an effective data management strategy allows your business to harness, analyze and secure data, paving the way toward sustainable growth and resilience in an increasingly data-driven world.

Security Awareness Training

Users are the weakest link in security, given a lack of education and experience. Instituting a security awareness training program for every member of your staff significantly reduces the probability of user-related errors and exposure. 

Start developing a security-first culture with user training by sending us a message.

Knowledge is Power

Continuous network intelligence is a critical component of cyber readiness. It’s extremely important to have on-demand insights of suspicious changes, potentially harmful misconfigurations or any other malicious activities occurring on your network. Promptly detect and remove threats before they cause damage. 

Enable advanced internal security detection in your business today.

Don’t Neglect Compliance

Maintaining regulatory compliance is mandatory for many organizations. While navigating and satisfying the obligations can be complicated and stressful, achieving compliance is a critical component of having a cyber-ready business. Security and privacy are integral elements of compliance.

Let us take the stress out of compliance for your business. Contact us today.

Back Up Everything!

Data is the lifeblood of every business. Unfortunately, the risks and threats to the protection, privacy and usability of that data are endless. Follow the 3-2-1 method for backups: a minimum of three unique copies of your data, two available locally and one off-site or in the cloud. Ensure to test your backups often for functionality and integrity. 

Contact us today to protect and secure your data from cyberthreats. 

Why Regular Network Health Checks Are Business Critical

Network Monitoring and Testing

In a turbulent landscape where cyberthreats constantly evolve, regular network monitoring and testing are not just precautionary measures; they are strategic imperatives to safeguard data, maintain operational continuity, and instill confidence among customers and stakeholders.

Force Authentication

One-level security is no longer enough. Even the most robust passwords are vulnerable to theft or exposure. Requiring more than one method to authenticate user identity or access permissions can reduce or eliminate the risk of stolen or unauthorized credentials being utilized. 

Get cyber ready with identity and access management today.

Data Loss During the Work-From-Home Era

Take Control of Your SaaS Data Recoverability

Data loss can have long lasting consequences on your business 

The loss of business-critical data can result in costly disruptions and operational downtime, hefty regulatory penalties, reputation damage or even the loss of customers.

To maintain business-critical operations and SaaS data asset integrity—especially with the current shift to a more hybrid working environment, you must deploy a robust SaaS backup solution within your business.

Most SaaS providers, like Microsoft 365®, do not protect your business against many common causes of data loss. Even if you were willing to pay extra, most SaaS providers do not offer a backup service.

Don’t worry! By partnering with an expert like us, you can save your data with the right SaaS backup solution.

Keep Updates Up to Date

While updates often introduce new or enhanced features into your apps, programs and systems, they also install security and performance fixes known as patches. Undiscovered defects or flaws can leave your systems exposed. Hackers will exploit any vulnerability or security gap they find. Keeping your systems updated is vital for keeping your business cyber ready. 

Let us automate and optimize your system updates and patches. Contact us now to get started.